Bitsight for government.

Cybersecurity presents a monumental challenge for global governments of all sizes -- from massive Federal infrastructure all the way down to state and local municipalities. Governments around the world are at increased risk of cyber attacks not only on their own agencies, but on the essential systems and infrastructure upon which societies depend.

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Cybersecurity presents a monumental challenge for global governments of all sizes -- from massive Federal infrastructure all the way down to state and local municipalities. Governments around the world are at increased risk of cyber attacks not only on their own agencies, but on the essential systems and infrastructure upon which societies depend.


Risk to government systems is exacerbated by the vast, complex, and interconnected nature of government IT infrastructures, which often include expansive supply chains. However, a lack of visibility into these ecosystems – and the cyber risk within them – makes it difficult for governments to understand and effectively manage that risk.

Governments are also challenged to understand and manage cyber risk to critical infrastructure, including electric utilities, energy companies, chemical facilities, and other organizations that are responsible for essential societal services.

Bitsight provides solutions to these challenges, helping government agencies the world over discover, monitor, and manage cyber risk in their own systems, their supply chain, or throughout critical infrastructure.

Fill critical security visibility gaps

Fill critical security visibility gaps

Make faster, more strategic risk-based decisions

Make faster, more strategic risk-based decisions

SPM Security Ratings Timeline

With Bitsight for Security Performance Management your agency will gain unparalleled insight into cybersecurity risk across your organization, including departments and sub-agencies. Instantly discover and continuously monitor the security posture of digital assets – on-premises, in the cloud, and across departments, geographies, and remote locations.

This visibility enables agencies of all levels and sizes to easily discover emerging vulnerabilities and gaps in security controls and identify the greatest areas of risk.

Share key findings on current and historical security performance with reports generated for every audience – including policymakers and non-technical stakeholders. Use these insights to make informed decisions about risk mitigation investments and resource allocation and to demonstrate compliance with regulations.

Miguel De Bruycker
Director General at the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB)
Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium

Bitsight helps us see where opportunities to improve the country’s cyber health exist, build trust with the community we serve, and support quick wins would otherwise not have been possible.

TPRM Portfolio Risk Matrix

Supply chain risk – like that which resulted in the SolarWinds hack – can jeopardize the mission and imperil the delivery of government services. Bitsight for Third-Party Risk Management reduces that risk through deep, automated, and continuous visibility into your supply chain networks.

Identify areas of concentrated business and cyber risk by automatically pinpointing technology and supply chain dependencies between contractors, subcontractors, and even fourth parties. Then, continuously monitor for emerging cyber risk in your supply chain. Bitsight automatically generates alerts in near real-time when new vulnerabilities and relationships emerge that could pose risk.

Use these insights to better evaluate and select vendors, identify and highlight risky connections, proactively engage with these parties to mitigate security issues--and defend your organization.

Peer Analytics

Bitsight gives governments, national law enforcement organizations, and CERTs the tools they need to measure, monitor, and investigate cybersecurity risk in their countries, industry sectors, and critical infrastructure companies. In fact, more than 40 government agencies around the world use Bitsight to protect national security and critical infrastructure.

Powered by industry-leading data, Bitsight for Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) lets you benchmark security performance against other organizations, analyze how peer industries perform, identify prevalence of risks and vulnerabilities, and pinpoint risks to specific critical organizations in your geographic area. Easily synthesize and share this information with stakeholders so that actions can be taken to improve security postures and address risks to critical infrastructure.

BitSight Finds Critical Vulnerabilities in Popular GPS Tracker

Bitsight has discovered six severe vulnerabilities in a popular vehicle GPS tracker (MiCODUS MV720) potentially allowing hackers to track individuals, remotely disable fleets of corporate supply and emergency vehicles, abruptly stop civilian vehicles on dangerous highways, and more.

Objective, trusted data and analytics on global, national, and sectoral cybersecurity performance